Monday, November 15, 2010

I have been working on my December Daily 2010 album.  I think it's ready for December to roll around and I can't wait to start filling it with goodies!!

Here's a photo of my transparencies.  I couldn't find any of the ones that Ali Edwards used in her album.

So, I had to get creative and make my own.

With a little paint,  some overhead transparency sheets and my printer, I was able to come close to what she did....oh,  and a fistful of glitter, because that makes everything better!

The transparency sheets that I had were pretty thin so I stitched two together, this made them a bit sturdier.  

I ended up using a combination of thick vellum sheets and transparencies for my pages.

The transparencies will act as an introduction to the day and will be followed by a 6 x 8 printed photo or series of photos using Ali's templates, which I talk about later.

A very special thank you to Ali Edwards, Ormolu, KPertiet and ArtWHSE for their wonderful creations that assisted me greatly.

Have I mentioned today how much I love Ali Edwards????

Speaking of Ali, these are her 6 x 8 template overlays for each day of December.

They can be purchased and downloaded from Designer Digitals.

She also released this weekend, a series of 6 x 8 layered templates to help create your layouts.

Check out her website at for a tutorials if you plan to use her templates.

The overlays can be printed as I have done and your photos can be adhered to each page.  Or they can be used as an overlay on top of your photo, using Photoshop Elements and then printed at home or your local photo lab.

I will be doing a hybrid album, meaning some days I will print the photo and adhere to these pages and some I will be using Photoshop Elements 8.

These templates can be sized depending on the size of the album you are using.

I chose to do what Ali is doing this year and made a front and back cover out of scrap cardboard and adhered patterned paper and will be using binder rings to tie it all together.

This works well as sometimes you can outgrow a regular album pretty quick.  With the printed templates and my transparencies my album is already 2 inches thick.

This is before I include the cotton ball snowman I am sure Ciaran will be making for me this year.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how to get started on your December Daily 2010 album.